Ole Man Winter… Lil confused

Ole man winter was a cousin of mine… As a child he was awfully confused about the seasons. We would always have to remind him that it was suppose to snow in winter and rain in the spring time. I think I’ll write him another reminder!

Pumkin pickin!

White pumpkins galore! Sunday was spent picken’ pumpkins …well the ole farmer and his family, plus some other helpers did the picken’, I just watched from afar. Seeing ’em sweet all day in those fields is exhausting enough for me!

Graveyard Ruckus!

It’s looking like another sunny day here at the Cicero Pumkin Patch! I got up early this morning and made some breakfast, then drank my coffee as I walked the grave yard. It looked as though a pack of Ghouls passed through last night, because part of the fence was violently smashed down! This seems… Continue reading Graveyard Ruckus!